Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Child Psychologist in Rancho Cucamonga, California

Has it been a few years since your child was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and right now you and your child need more?

You feel stuck. Maybe it’s the recent pandemic or other changes in your child’s development. Whatever it may be, you feel overwhelmed. You’ve tried all the recommendations, even ABA, but that felt too rigid as if they were trying to change your child’s personality like it was either wrong or bad. You know your child is amazing and you want them to know this too. You have an idea of what triggers your child, and you want them to be able to gain the coping skills they need when they feel anxious or overwhelmed by their environment. But most of all you want them to be proud of who they are.

Has your child been more irritable lately?

Recently you’ve noticed that your child has seemed more irritable in general. Maybe your child has also seemed ultra sensitive to their environment when you leave your home. It makes sense, since your child has been used to staying at home and now that things are opening up, especially school and other services, it has been more difficult for you and your child to adjust to the change.

Has your child been having more challenging behaviors?

Maybe your child has even started puberty and now they're engaging in more challenging behaviors or having a tough time transitioning. You feel stressed. You want to vent your frustrations but you don’t have anyone to talk to, at least nobody who will really listen without giving you unwanted advice. So, you keep it to yourself. But the stress is weighing on you, and you start to take it out on those who are closest to you. It starts with a mean sarcastic remark to your spouse, an annoying tone with your children, or even worse, you’re suddenly triggered, and you scream or yell at them. You crave that extra support now for both yourself and your child.


I specialize in Autism and I am here to help!

Hi my name is Vanessa Fontes and I am a psychologist who has experience providing support to parents, therapy for children diagnosed with Autism, assessments for Autism, and in the past ABA treatment.

I help children diagnosed with Autism and their parents understand the nuances of everyday challenges and transitions that this diagnosis brings. I provide the space for you to voice frustrations, understand how developmental milestones impact your child, and empower you to feel heard and understood, while highlighting strengths, and helping you relate to each other during moments of transitions and new challenges. Together we can empower your child to learn new ways of coping with the increased demands without trying to ultimately change their personality. With therapy you can create change for your child, yourself, and your family. You can gain the skills to support your child through these new challenges and transitions while knowing what steps you can take when you feel overwhelmed.

How will you and your child get the support you need?

We will work together on a weekly basis to work on your goals and make the changes you seek. While you know your child and their behaviors best, there are skills and techniques that I incorporate, while focusing your child’s strengths as a way of helping you and your child cope with various transitions and/or challenges. Whether that means supporting you directly or supporting your child directly, we will create a plan together that benefits your family. Therapy does not have to feel like another dreaded treatment appointment where your child is forced to comply. It can feel like something you’re both looking forward to, like the space you need to let out your frustration and be able to feel a sense of relief.

 Are you ready to get the Autism treatment you need now?

If you’re ready to stop feeling stressed and overwhelmed about the recent challenges you and your child have been facing, contact me for a FREE 15-minute consultation. Connect with me today and discover how you can gain the tools and support you need to make positive changes for you, your child, and your family with the right therapy plan and therapist.