Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

About Therapy

Vanessa C. Fontes, PsyD, Child Psychologist in Rancho Cucamonga, CA and online in California.


CA License #25338

What happens during the first therapy session?

​On the first session we will explore the question I initially asked during our initial consolation: If were were to fast forward 3 months, 6 months, or whenever and counseling did exactly what you needed, what would life look like from your perspective and from your child's perspective? How could you tell that therapy worked by looking at the outside? During the first session we will explore goals. It is important that I have a clear picture and that you have a clear picture of what our goal is. This way we can check in and see if what we are doing is working and if we're moving toward that goal.

How often will I need to come to therapy?

We will be meeting once a week for 3–5 months. I reserve the same time and day each week for us to meet, this way we don't have to constantly rearrange our schedules to meet on a consistent basis. My clients have reported that weekly sessions have been the most helpful and effective use of our time to work towards the stated goals. After about 3 months and if continued therapy is deemed necessary, we meet less often for a few more months. Therapy then usually comes to an end. The process of ending therapy, called “termination,” and can be a very valuable part of our work and well worth spending our time on. Stopping therapy should not be done casually, although either of us may decide to end it if we believe it is in your best interest.

How long will I need to come to therapy?

There are many factors that contribute to the length of counseling. Together we will make a plan and come up with therapy goals. I do ask that my clients commit to at least 6 weeks, after that time we have a check-in session to review goals and decide how therapy is going. However, along the way I regularly ask mini check-in questions about how therapy is going and if we are on track to reaching the stated goals.

How much do sessions cost?

​I am a fee for service private practice, which means that payment is due at the start of the session. My current rate is $205 per 50-minute session.

Are sessions covered by my insurance?

Depending on which insurance you have. I currently do not work with HMOs as they require you to find someone on their particular list. If you have PPO you would pay my current rate of $205 per 50-minute session to me at the start of each session. Then I will give you a special receipt (AKA a "Superbill") to submit to your insurance company for them to reimburse you directly. There are many insurance plans and they are all different. I recommend that you call your insurance company to understand more of how they reimburse you and to find out what percentage they reimburse.

What if I need to cancel an appointment?

I consider our meetings very important and make them a priority over other activities. I ask you to do the same. An appointment is a commitment to our work. A cancelled appointment slows our progress, so please try not to miss sessions if you can possibly help it. Your session time is reserved for you. We agree to meet at my office or via Telehealth and to be on time. If I am ever unable to start on time, I ask your understanding and promise that you will receive the full time agreed to or be charged proportionately. If you are late, we will probably be unable to meet for the full time, because it is likely that I will have another appointment after yours. I am rarely able to fill a cancelled session, so you will be charged the full fee for sessions cancelled with less than 48 hours’ or 2 days’ notice, for other than the most serious reasons. Your insurance will not cover or reimburse you for this charge.

Do you have evening and weekend appointments available?

My aim is to provide a flexible schedule to best service you, your child, or your family. However, currently all of my evening and weekend appointments are taken. Please notify me of your preference and I will do my best to accommodate and/or notify you when an opening occurs.

Where do sessions take place?

Sessions take place in-person at my office in Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. I am also providing online therapy (telepsychology on a secure platform) to California residents.

Who do you work with?

I work with children, teens, and their parents. I sometimes work on an individual basis or I work with the whole family. Parent involvement is also necessarily to help reach the stated goals. I also provide parent support and coaching, which may mean working only with parents.

What if counseling isn't working?

If we both deem that therapy is not working, we will have an open discussion about goals and what may not be working. At that time, the necessary changes may be made in my approach to therapy with you and/or your child. If however, another level of support or expertise is needed and it is out of my scope of practice, I may then refer you to someone who is able to provide the level of support and/or expertise you require.

What if I want to stop therapy before the recommendation?

If you wish to stop therapy at any time, I ask that you agree now to meet for at least one more session, to review our work together. We will review our goals, the work we have done, any future work that needs to be done, and our options. If you would like to take a “time out” from therapy to try it on your own, we should discuss this. We can often design such a “time out” to be more helpful.

Ready to gain the tools and support you need for positive change?

If you're ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and stressed, contact me to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation today. Learn how with the right therapist and therapy plan you can gain the tools and support you need to make changes and improve your life and your child’s life.